Purpose in the Pain: Thomas Vallee’s Story of Life After Lyme Disease

Thomas Vallee, owner and co-founder of R Health Products.

by Derek Levendusky
Twitter: @AWWderek

For Thomas Vallee, R Health Products is a passion—a passion to tell his story; a passion to help others; a passion to let the world know about his company’s breakthrough products. R Health Products offers the only portable sauna with medical grade technology, a remarkable invention that changed Vallee’s life.

It was a painful journey for Vallee, the company CEO based in Northern Illinois, a journey that led him into a whole new world and a whole new business; a business that is now making inroads into the sports and wrestling community.

In the summer of 2016, Vallee was bitten by a tick and a few months later was diagnosed with debilitating chronic Lyme disease. “We all face many battles in life and for many people these battles can be physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual when it comes to Lyme disease,” explains Vallee. “If you were to ask someone who has been diagnosed they will most likely tell you it is all of the above. I personally have faced many of these types of battles in my life but I would have to say nothing hit me as hard as neurological Lyme disease.”

By two months after the bite, Vallee had lost 40 pounds, dropping from 180 to 140, and he was unable to walk even a few steps without crutches or a wheel chair. It was like his entire body was under attack and he lived with excruciating pain from head to toe. Meanwhile, his organs began to swell and the pain would unmercifully move from one joint to the next. Even worse, the bacterium had spread to his brain and spinal cord, ravaging his neurotransmitters and bringing on severe depression and hopelessness. “After thousands of dollars out of pocket and six months of treatment and with no signs of improvement,” he remembers, “I felt like my life was over and was ready to give up the fight.”

Vallee turned to his faith, though the heavens seemed like brass. “It is in moments like these that our faith is tested,” he reflected, “and as a Christian I was praying and looking to God for answers and healing. I wanted to wake up and be better the next day and this isn't the case with Lyme. Although it seemed as if my prayers were not being answered I did not get mad or give up hope but continued to wait patiently and depended upon my faith in God each day to get me through this relentless disease.”

Vallee in the throes of Lyme disease.

His life had gotten very dark, living in pain and isolation. “At this point I was very hard to reach,” Vallee continues, “and it seemed that no one could truly understand what I was going through except for one person I had met through a friend. This to me was the answered prayer that I had been waiting for.”

His new friend also had Lyme disease and empathized with what he was experiencing. She was there to support and guide him as a companion through the lonely valley he was walking through. “It was that compassion and support that I got from her that gave me the strength and hope to keep fighting,” the R Health Products CEO tells. “After a year and a half of treatment, I had my zest for life back and today I am 95% better than I was. It’s this same faith that kept me going through my darkest days along with the compassion and support I received at that time that motivates me to this day and every day to want to be of service to others.””

During his journey toward recovery, Vallee purchased a portable far infrared sauna with the hope of helping his body detox. He began to improve immediately. The sauna was life-giving and he began to feel alive again, climbing out of the pit he was in. Vallee was relieved, grateful, and with a renewed hope for the future. Eventually, the healed man contacted the owner of the company he purchased the unit from to share his story and show his gratitude. He was shocked to find out that the owner’s wife also had Lyme disease and had gone through a similar experience. Their new friendship blossomed into a business relationship and they launched a sister company to create “another path to better health” called R Health Products.

The company not only offers portable saunas, but other products like infrared lamps, supplements & vitamins, and NutraMedix Natural Products. These are just hollow wares to the once-was-lost-and-now-found Vallee. “This business and the products that we share have become very important to me for a few different reasons,” he explains. “First, because these products helped me to recover from many of the debilitating symptoms associated with Lyme disease and the coinfections. Second, because I have found out that the products can help with numerous other chronic illnesses and health conditions that many people face.”

R Health Products are also being used by many athletes and physical trainers to improve strength, recovery, and performance. Vallee finds joy and satisfaction in it all: “This business provides for us an opportunity to reach out and serve others who are not only suffering with Lyme disease but also those who are looking to achieve optimal health and improved cognitive and physical performance. By connecting with us and our company people can save time and get the tools and information that can lead them safely back to and keep them on the path of better health.”

Vallee wants everyone to know how effective his products are. “The doctor-formulated natural holistic herbal supplements and the patented far infrared ray products that we share offer many immediate and lasting health benefits,” he says. “Just about everyone, no matter where they are at on their physical, mental and spiritual path in life could use a boost of vital life force energy and a good detox program to stay healthy and look and feel their best.”

Vallee runs the list of benefits, including activating the parasympathetic nervous system “allowing for complete relaxation and assistance in recovery,” boosting the immune system, increasing nitric oxide and oxygen rich blood flow throughout the entire body, increasing killer T-cell and white blood cell function, removing heavy metals and toxins from the body and brain, improving cognitive function and mental clarity, increasing dopamine and serotonin while improving mood sleep and digestion are just a few. Other benefits are fast pain relief, lowering inflammation, speeding up wound and injury healing time, improving stamina, boosting metabolism, burning calories, improving gastrointestinal, gut health and more.

The sports community has responded positively to R Health Products. “For many years now our products have had a positive impact in the sports community,” Vallee tells. “We have many testimonies from doctors and athletic trainers as well as amateur and professional athletes. Our patented far infrared ray products have been shown to quickly improve neuromuscular recovery, increase flexibility, and remove lactic acid and metabolic waste. Now athletes can quickly reduce mental and physical fatigue, greatly improve cardiovascular health and increase red blood cells, improving performance, endurance, and strength. Far infrared therapy has also been shown to boost HGH, increase nitric oxide, increase mitochondrial function and ATP within the cell, lower blood pressure, and improve testosterone/cortisol ratios along with increasing longevity by activating the Fox03 gene.

“There are many Olympic wrestlers and athletes using far infrared therapy before and after athletic events, working out, and training,” Vallee says.

He and his company believe that their products offer many unique benefits for the wrestling community. “Using our portable medical grade far infrared sauna allows you to quickly cut weight by burning up to 650 calories in a 25-minute session,” he offers. “It’s also proven to be a good way to relieve stress, fight virus and bacteria, and boost the immune system. This is perfect for keeping wrestlers healthy. Far infrared is great for warming up the muscles before a stretch or workout or aiding in muscle and joint pain and recovery.”

He also has some thoughts about how the portable sauna can help female wrestlers. “When it comes to women's wrestling, many experience pain and discomfort before or during a match due to pain with menstruation also known as dysmenorrhea, which may be accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and nausea. We believe that Rsauna® is the perfect remedy and solution for the reduction and elimination of these types of symptoms. Another great benefit is being able to increase aerobic capacity and VO2max.”

The company is offering an exclusive discount for AWW readers and the wrestling community. Use the code “AWW100” for $100 off a portable sauna on their website, or take advantage of their other products with a 10% discount off of their Nutramedix items by using the code “RHealth” or 12% off of their supplements by using the code “RHealth12.”

Learn more about R Health Products on their website or Instagram:

website: www.rhealthproducts.com
Relax Sauna IG: @rhealthproductscompany