our partners and friends

Enjoy our site? A.W.W. is made possible through the support & resources of partners, and we appreciate our like-minded friends that promote women’s wrestling. Below you’ll see a list of both. Please check out their websites and support their businesses & organizations!


WrestlersAreWarriors.com: Check out the galleries of renowned wrestling photographer Tony Rotundo.

www.rhealthproducts.com: These products are revolutionary! Check out their portable saunas, infrared ray lamps, vitamins and supplements. While you’re at it, read the amazing story of company co-founder Thomas Vallee on our site. Link: “Purpose in the Pain: Thomas Vallee’s Story of Life After Lyme Disease”


We are just one voice in the ever-growing movement of women’s wrestling. Here are some others that are getting it done.

FloWrestling.org: This year we launched a freelance partnership with FloWrestling, where we’ll provide several rankings for the site, along with covering major events with previews and recaps.

Wrestle Like A Girl: One of the best friends of the women’s wrestling community as they provide advocacy, training events, camps & clinics. They have been a huge force in moving the movement forward at the high school & college level.

Wreaper Wrestling: A website & social media presence dedicated to covering & promoting women’s wrestling.

TheMat.com: USA Wrestling’s media site, a solid source for news about high profile women’s events happening all over the world.

Transition Wrestling: A news website with a special focus on covering women’s college wrestling. Always providing insights, links to live duals & articles to keep you knowledgeable about NCAA & NAIA women.

TrackWrestling.com: TrackWrestling, no stranger to the wrestling community, provides a great service through media coverage, tournament support, and live feeds.